Sunday 25 April 2010


Gawd, I've felt rough last few days. Its made me a bit grumpy and short with mum and dad. Think it might be frustrating them a bit! What's annoyed me is that the telly's packed up which means I've got to watch Thomas the Tank Engine on a ridiculously small screen. Not happy, not happy at all! I can barely see the Fat Controller.
On the plus side its still lovely and sunny so I've been playing in the garden with/inspite of Zoe. Lots of water, sand and paint. When I said I wanted to paint flowers I think mum and dad got the wrong end of the stick. I meant 'paint the flowers'. It'll come off soon. Out shopping with dad this afternoon and have bought a lovely Peppa Pig swim suit for Zoe to wear in the summer. It'll stop her getting burnt too. I got a bit pink after visting the Stacey's yesterday for brunch. I didn't have much but I did enjoy the rocket that Catherine gave me as a (very) early birthday pressie. Pop, bang... 'oh its in the tree mummy', that sort of thing.
Uncle Steve is running the London Marathon today. Good luck Uncle Steve! I wonder if dad'll ever do a marathon. He said he might although there was mention of dead bodies too. Bit weird if you ask me.
Lots of things selling on Ebay. People keep turning up to collect stuff. Some of it's quite heavy, so naturally they need help with it. If I'm honest they could be a bit more thankful. You'd have thought the way mum and dad reacted when Zoe and I helped them down the stairs with the chest of drawers they'd rather we stayed out of it. Fat chance, ha ha!
Hopefully seeing Alfie and Jack tomorrow. Haven't seen either of them for weeks. And that's like years in toddlers-time!

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