There's a lot of talk about lots of things at the moment. It's all a little concerning for my little brain. It would seem that we will be going on a plane (I like the sound of that), to a new house (I like the sound of that too). But apparently when I get home form nanny and granddad's today, all my toys will have gone along with all my precious books! Well, that's not right is it? They're going on a holiday, so mum and dad say. Holiday? They're inanimate objects, what on earth would they need a holiday for. Something weird's going on and I can't do a thing about it. I'll just have to wait until I get home then kick up a stink that I've got nothing to read! Holiday, well really! I'm sure they won't have got rid of my favourite stuff. They can't be that stupid. I need them for being quiet.
On Monday I had a fantastic day with Aunty Jill and cousin Jack. We went to Wisley RHS, which on the face of it didn't sound too interesting. It's massive garden as it turns out and with my recent interest in all things green-fingered, this was the place for me on a sunny Monday morning. Huge wouldn't do it justice, it was really, really big! First of all Jack and I ran around like loonies, then when we calmed down we ran around some more. Lakes with massive fishes in them, loads of steps and wide open spaces to go 'weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' in (no, not that type, I am potty trained you know!). Then, I could barely believe my eyes, a greenhouse before me. Probably even bigger than nanny and granddad's one. Just. If you look carefully you can just see the people standing outside.
It was full of weird and wonderful plants. I even found a cocoa plant which Aunty Jill reckons chocolate comes from. I think she might have been having me on, but I took a leaf for mum just in case. That got me into trouble. No pleasing some people! One of the areas was really warm and muggy. Dad says it'll be like that all the time where we're going and says this link shows what he's on about click here. Yeah, right, wait until it snows at Christmas dad! Then we went to the caves and I got lost which was a bit worrying. Dad said it would teach me to run away. But I doubt that very much!
After that it was picnic time. I ate a lot. Mostly grapes and strawberries. Zoe in true fashion ate for England. She even helped herself to dads pasta salad. That didn't go down well (with him anyway, it did with Zoe!). Then Jack and I ran around some more. Brilliant! Below is the view from what Jack calls the curly wurly (no chocolate involved).
Its a spiral of earth that you can run round and round to get up to the top and then round and round to get back down the other side. Doesn't make much sense when I say it like that and I sure was dizzy after a few goes. Jack sure runs fast. Couldn't keep up with him.
Then ice-cream and home. I zonked out as soon as my head hit the proverbial pillow (or in this case, car-seat), so did Zoe which meant dad had a nice, quiet drive home.
Nice photos.
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